
gaelx (CC). 2012
This week we had to create a slide show about using copyright images. I found it fun to tell a story through pictures rather than relying on text. I tried to incorporate photos that really explained copyright rather than just photos of the copyright symbol. I used photos to show the complexity of the copyright system and different forms of copyright (photo and video).

We used Animoto to create our slideshow and I used Flickr to find my photos. Finding my photos on Flickr actually helped me to understand copyright better. When I found a photo I also saw the creator of that photos name. Seeing their name right under the photo helped me to imagine if I took a picture and it was used without my permission. It is different than just using Google images because now I realize this is someone’s work rather than a collected page of images by a computer. 

Copyright is not there to make our lives difficult it is in place to protect the creators work. It is a way to try to protect the creator when issues of copying may arise. Although copyright is not always acknowledged and this generation has become extremely good at dogging the rules, it is important to follow these rules. I personally have had a Flickr account for years and I would be upset if someone has been taking my photos and taking credit for them. My photos express my creativity and a lot of work went into them. 

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