Podcast - SoundCloud

This week we did a podcast. Something I was dreading to be quite honest. I don’t really like recording my voice but it was much simpler for me than using Screencast. We have explored the digital world over these last 10 weeks and over this time I have seen how complex it really is. I feel that common though about the digital world is that it is simple. There is no face to face interaction, we can be free to do and say whatever we want. However, this is not the case. There are so many areas within the digital world, but I have chosen to focus on two. To me these two are the most important.

The first is digital citizenship, with this I include netiquette. I think how you use digital tools is how you portray yourself online. We need to be efficient and effective with our technology uses. This means being aware of what we post online and knowing HOW to communicate with others online. This leads right into my next focus which is your digital footprint. This is a topic that we explored within the first week of this course, but has stuck with me ever since. Since we learned about this I have been very aware of mine. I make sure I only post things I wouldn't mind a future employer to see and I try to practice the golden rule. “treat others the way you want to be treated”. Before I post something I think about how I would react to a post like this. If I think it is not hurting anyone and is respectful then I will post it.

To me these are the most important parts of digital communication.

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