Sunday, 8 February 2015

Weekly Blog and Reflection #4

This week we learned about content curation and bookmarking. At first I was confused about this topic because it seems so simple. After going through the readings especially Erica's I realized I am a “link sprayer”. I use Pinterest and twitter and I use them to share information I find on the web. However, all I do is just click “pin it” or “Retweet”; I never write my own little annotation telling people why I shared this. This is mostly to do with laziness I think and also I forget that these sites are social I forget that I’m not the only one with access to what I post. In order to be a true digital citizen I need to start effectively sharing. I want to start using Beth's SEEK, SENSE, SHARE; the main step to focus on being Sense.

Diigo was basically a lifesaver for me. I can say that this will be something I will utilize long after this course. My bookmarks bar is a bit of a mess, yes I have folders for things but often I forget what was so important on the site saved as “”. Diigo is a cool site that I could see myself using just for fun. It collects all my favorite sites so that I can access them from anywhere (as long as I have the internet), I can personalize each site I save by highlighting and adding notes. This is truly an awesome tool!

I feel like I can add Diigo to my PLE and truthfully I feel like it could go under all my categories (school, professional, entertainment and communication). The information that I bookmark could fall under school and professional, the tool itself keeps me organized and practicing quality rather than quantity (skill that I believe fall under school and professional). For me this site will fall under entertainment and communication because a lot of what I bookmark is meant for entertainment also I find the organizing of my bookmarks fun. Since this tool also allows you to access other people's bookmarks it allows me to share my interests and treasure finds with other people who have the same interests (provided I keep things organized and easy to find).


This week I found a interesting article on my Feedly account. Ways Students Can Save Money, this article is great I think, even though I am in my last year of university it's a little useless to me now because I've already figured these tips out. I decided to mention this article because this is information I wish I knew when I first started university. The post only has about 5 tips but that doesn't mean it doesn't help. My little brother is at an age where he is in the process of applying to universities, so I posted this with him in mind. All these high school students coming into new found independence will need to know a couple of tricks that can keep their bank account from going in the red. The one tip that I actually learned from this post is to cook with friends, this is something I would have never thought of. So many students can benefit from this post, that's why I chose to talk about it this week.

In total I feel pretty accomplished this week I found my new love for Diigo and I figured out how to contribute to the web rather then clutter it.

Have a good week

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